The aim of the MSc in Accounting Taxation and Financial Management which organizes and operates the Department of Accounting and Finance of University of Macedonia, in accordance with the provisions no 101 624 / B7 decision of the Ministry of Education (GG 2054B / 06.10.08) and the provisions of law 3685/08 is the creation of graduates with skills and expertise that will contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the wider fields of Accounting and Finance and create executives capable to:
- Operate a business, a consulting firm or woek in public administration.
- Promote the development of research and its application in practice.
The MSc is aimed at employees and business executives who along with their profession they wish to attend graduate curriculum. The attendance of the program is done either in person, only Friday afternoon and Saturday, or in combination with the method of distance learning.
The MSc program leads to the acquisition of the title:
“Accounting Taxation and Financial Management” in two particular directions:
- Accounting
- Finance.
The minimum duration of the program for the award of the MSc “Accounting Taxation and Financial Management” for business executives, is determined to three (3) semesters of which two (2) semesters are available for attendance and the third one for the preparation of the Thesis.
In brief:
- The Postgraduate Program in Accounting Taxation and Financial Management is accredited by the Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (HQA).
- It is designed for business executives aiming at employees and executives who, along with their professional activity, wish to acquire academic expertise in the subject of Accounting and Finance.
- The goal is to create executives capable of meeting the challenges of a modern, complex and rapidly changing business environment
The Postgraduate Program in Accounting Taxation and Financial Management offers graduates the ability of obtaining certification from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants - ACCA, creating new prospects for their employment and professional development.
The Curriculum
In order to acquire the Postgraduate Diploma, students should participate and successfully be examined in a total of ten (10) modules. At the beginning of the second semester, the student chooses the direction he / she wishes to pursue (either Accounting or Finance), while during the third semester the postgraduate students are required to prepare their Master Thesis.
The postgraduate courses are structured as a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning methods.
The duration of studies is three (3) semesters (two (2) semesters of teaching and one (1) semester for the thesis.