The aim of the MSc in Applied Accounting and Auditing which is organized and offered by the Department of Accounting and Finance of the University of Macedonia, in accordance with the provisions no.138883 / B7 and the decision of the Ministry of Education (GG 646B / 08-04-2009) is the creation of graduates with skills and expertise that will contribute to the promotion of knowledge in the disciplines of Applied Accounting and Auditing and create executives capable to:
- Operate a business, a consulting firm or work in public administration.
- Promote the development of research.
The MSc program leads to the acquisition of the title:
MSc in “Applied Accounting and Auditing “
The minimum duration of the program for the award of the MSc “Applied Accounting and Auditing”, is defined in four (4) semesters of which the three (3) are available for the courses and the fourth for the preparation of the Thesis.
In brief:
- The Postgraduate Program in Applied Accounting and Auditing is accredited by the Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (HQA), the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).
- The program is addressed to recent graduates as well as employees with extensive experience in the area of accounting, auditing, tax consulting and public administration
- It is designed to offer both the specialized knowledge and skills in the disciplines of Auditing and Applied Accounting.
- The aim of the program is to promote knowledge by creating skilled professionals that could provide their services as certified accountants and auditors in both the private sector and the public administration.
The Postgraduate Program in Applied Accounting and Auditing provides the ability to obtain certification from:
(a) the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), offering exemption to 9 of the modules studied,
(b) the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales - ICAEW, (D) the Institute of Internal Controls (IIC) as the Certified Internal Auditor-CICA, creating the appropriate conditions for the development of both the academic background as well as the professional training that will lead to a successful career in auditing and internal control.
The Curriculum
To obtain the Postgraduate Diploma the student must attend and successfully pass a total of fifteen (15) modules. During the fourth semester students prepare for their Master Thesis.
The postgraduate courses are structured as a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning methods.
The duration of studies is four (4) semesters (three (3) semesters of teaching and one (1) semester of diploma thesis.

Info – Links
- Operating Rules of the Msc
- Registration Information of the Msc
- employability: graduate stats